He, Ekol is again an olive filled with innovation. Brings an incredible innovations at a rapid pace across the world. Habits, perspective, technology refreshes, we can not even imagine, each new day brings with it new. And as long as these innovative technologies uydurabildiğiniz're successful. To do this, we as olive Ekol, thinking that we needed to serve the new initiatives set targets for 2010. New factory started production in September 2009 and have equipped our factory with the latest production technology. Packaged production with the renewed emphasis on the kinds of packaging. To date, only the green olives, black, scratches, seat ... he separates consumers engaged in activities to create alternative flavors and tastes have created a new surprise also show himself on the shelves. And finally, you will be notified of these innovations, so that renewed our web site. Showed renewed attention to one thing does not change everything. He said, "QUALITY" ...