ShirinTak Tabriz production company has started its activities with registration number 7254 in the field of the production of a wafer by Greenwing and Fresh brand since 1995. So, it has continued to work by producing easily-swallowed candies in an industrial way for the first time in Iran and it could take great strides in development, improvement, and innovation and add various products in its production complex. This company, with 20 years of the production history is a manufacturer of various filled and coated candies, chocolates, jellybeans types, soft jellybeans and easily-swallowed candies with Jellyboy and Keysan Fresh brands at the moment. This company has attempted to produce energy drinks with Barbell brand according to the latest technology in the world and is competitive with reputable brands by relying on the grace of God and the experience of managers. It is one of the few energy drink production factories in the country. It has set its mission in the supply of healthy and legit energy drinks and needs of young people and athletes in all sports with the powerful hands of Iranian experts.